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Wall mural

Custom Wall Mural

Create your own made to measure wallpaper
£22,95 per m²

£19,13 per m²

including VAT

Upload Photo

Supported file types: JPG and PNG. Your image requires a minimum size of 1 MB and a maximum of 500 MB.

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Warning: Supported file formats: JPG, PNG. Your image should have at least 1 MB and at most 500 MB.
Wall mural

Custom Wall Mural

Create your own made to measure wallpaper
£22,95 per m²

£19,13 per m²

including VAT
Choose the desired format
Measure the area to be covered and insert the width and height
including VAT
Delivery cost: £9.95 per order
Delivery time: 10-12 working days (no express delivery)