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Deciphering the Code: Flooring Symbols Explained

Monday, 8 June 2015

Flooring Qualities and Attributes: What do these flooring symbols mean?

Flooring manufacturers use a variety of symbols to describe the quality and included attributes of their product. Often, they are included in place of a written description. Keep reading for our guide to deciphering these symbols and finding the perfect flooring to suit your needs.

Flooring Quality Symbols:

Flooring Symbol: Classed for private use


(21): Suitable for light use in private spaces


(22): Suitable for moderate and regular use in private spaces.

(22+): Suitable for regularly frequented areas in private spaces.

(23): Suitable for heavily frequented areas in private spaces.





 Flooring Symbol: Classed for commercial use


(31): Suitable for light or moderate use in business or commercial spaces.


(32): Suitable for regularly frequented areas in business or commercial spaces.


(33): Suitable for heavily frequented areas in business or commercial spaces.


(34): Suitable for extra heavily frequented areas in business or commercial spaces.

 Flooring Symbol: Luxury class

This flooring symbol describes the luxury class of the product. The more crowns the symbol shows, the higher the luxury class.


Flooring Attribute Symbols:

Joka Bamboo

Flooring Symbol for Castor chairs:


Commercial Use


Private Use




Carpets have to endure a special series of tests with castor chairs. Only the most durable carpets are suitable to endure the use of castor chairs frequently. Because of the difference in demands, there is a separate pictogram for private use and for commercial use.

Flooring Symbol for stair suitability:

Carpets showing this symbol are suitable to be fitted on stairs. Since the edges have to endure heavy traffic their ratings are distinguished:


Moderate Use


Heavy Use

Flooring Symbol for underfloor heating compatibility:


This symbol shows that the carpet may be fit over underfloor heating. It is important that the thermal insulation resistance is fairly low (at best < 0,17m²KW)

Flooring Symbol for Wet room compatability:


This carpet is suitable for fitting in wet rooms (like bathrooms for example). These carpets are very durable and are not as prone to thermal expansion as others.

Flooring Symbol for non-slip safety:



Slipping is a safety issue with carpets. In order to be granted the DS-Symbol, a carpet has to have a dynamic friction coefficient > 0.3. If the carpet does not qualify for a DS-rating or has not been tested, it is labeled with the NPD symbol (no performance declared).

Flooring Symbol for antistatic attributes:


Carpets with this symbol guarantee that static charges will not occur.

Flooring Symbol for non-fraying edge:


The scissors symbol means that the edge of the carpet will not fray when it is cut.

Flooring Symbol for colourfastness:


This symbol guarantees that the carpet is lightfast according to the tests EN ISO 105-B02 (>= 5, pastel colours >=4)

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